Why you should take up Mountain Biking!

Why you should take up Mountain Biking!

Every beginner MTB’er can tell you how exciting their first time was. Roots, dirt and misplaced logs or rocks, there is no sport quite like it! Reconnecting with mother nature through MTB is just next level. You may ask yourself, ‘Who in their right mind would choose to ride over rocks, dirt and even the odd stream flowing through the most off-road section of a forest’. 

Our answer, 'anyone who likes the taste of adventure.' Not only is the unpredictable nature of mountain biking extremely fun and exciting, but being part of one, if not the most welcoming communities in the sports world, comes as a mega bonus. So here’s some reasons why YOU should pick up Mountain Biking this year. 

Nature = Nurture

We all know how nurturing nature can be, if improving your mental health is on your cards for 2023, then why not start by spending some time on the trails.

Mountain biking is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. Its scenic and fast paced trails are a great way let loose and not only boost your energy levels but your mood too! Nothing really beats seeing your country's landscape from the top of a big pile of dirt. 

In addition to the scenes, MTB is known for improving your sleep cycles. With a wealth of scenery and serenity that’s unavailable to other disciplines in cycling, MTB is a great way to tick off any, if not all of your new year’s well-being resolutions! 


Whether you’re a lone wolf or an active people’s person, you will find that the MTB community is extremely welcoming. From the recreational riders to the pros, everyone is rooting for you! 

Whether it’s about the chats on the latest gear or the trail building that might feature some outrageous features. Being part of the MTB community is a great way to further embed your love for the sport. Plus, who doesn’t want to go on a MTB trip aboard to the Alps or Whistler?

Care-free biking  

While mountain biking can get intense and sketchy at times, it most definitely won’t amount to the experience that road cyclists have to put up with. Depending on where you choose to ride, one thing most MTB’ers don’t need to worry about is, reckless drivers or unhealthy fumes from cooped up lines of traffic. Instead you get to enjoy care-free biking along trails with a peace of mind. Just make sure to be on the look out for hikers, we all know how keen they are to check out our descents first hand. 

It’s extremely adventurous 

Not only is the sport extremely fun, did we happen to mention how much adventure you can have? From your local trails that seemed inaccessible before, to the world of exotic bike parks and biking locations that are scattered all over the world. Whether you're a warm or a cold weather person, there is a bike trial somewhere that will tickle your fancy! If there’s a hill, there’s bound to be some sort of trail worthy of tackling. 

Extremely family friendly 

Not only is MTB a wealth of experience and character shaping, it’s also a great way to spend some family time! From gravel tracks around a local forest to more demanding off-road trails, seeing the little nippers tear up a track is what true MTB is all about. Plus, who doesn't love a good picnic with scenic view!

So that's it, some of the reasons why you shouldn't sleep on the sport of Mountain biking! Follow us for more stories on all our socials and don't forget to check out the sweet deals we've got going on! 

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